Dear Reader, please remember to pray for God's Holy Spirit to be your only Guide as we study. Dispensational Textbooks and Pre-Trib Bible Footnotes claim there'll be an Earthly Millennial Kingdom during which the entire earth will be observing the Sabbath Commandment. Yes, the seventh day Sabbath. Yes, Pre-Trib says Sunday, the day they call, "The Lord's Day," will no longer be observed. Following is the Bible Text they offer as proof: "And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh (everyone) come to worship before Me saith the Lord" (Isa. 66:23). There can be no doubt that the Sabbath will be kept during the Millennium, but Pre-Trib's proof Bible Verse doesn't fit the Millennium. Following is the Bible Text just previous to this Text: "For as the New Heavens and New Earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh (everyone) come to worship before Me saith the Lord" (Vss.22-23). Pre-Trib's proof text actually refers to the New Earth after the Millennium. This present earth will be destroyed at the end of the Millennium, but,of course the New Earth Jesus creates at that time will never be destroyed or end, thus the Sabbath will be kept throughout Eternity. The Pondered Question here is, if God's people are going to observe the Sabbath throughout Eternity, who is responsible for us flip flopping now concerning Sabbath observance? Does it seem reasonable that God would alternate back and forth? Does it really make sense that God would require Sabbath observance from Moses till Jesus, then demand no Sabbath observance till Jesus returns, only to go back and require it again? How does this fit into, "For I am the Lord, I change not" (Mal.3:6)?
Mortals in God's Kingdom
Pre-Trib declares that during the Millennial Kingdom, humans will be in mortal bodies. Pre-Trib says these bodies will be healthier than now because Satan will be in his Bottomless Pit and unable to inflict pain and death as he does now. Notice their proof text says, "From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall ALL flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord" (Isa.66:23).
Mortal humans must use whatever means of transportation available when they travel long distances. If someone in Chattanooga Tennessee must travel to Jerusalem for a worship service, he must board a Plane and travel for about 16 hours. Thus thousands of planes would be landing at the Jerusalem International Airport every hour all day Friday. Then, Sunday morning, when the worship services were concluded, millions of passengers would board planes to get back to their respective cities. Is this even remotely possible? Pre-Trib could answer by claiming everyone on earth will tune in on their TV sets in their homes to watch Jesus conduct His worship service. This answer to this question could be, but the text does say, "All flesh shall come BEFORE Me."
Let's look at what the Bible really says about this. Considering that the Bible Text declaring, "All Flesh will come before Me," is referring to the New Earth, not the Millennium, and we know that, after the Millennium, New Jerusalem will be a massive City located in the New Earth, and will remain there throughout Eternity, we can make certain conclusions. Jesus said that those in the next age will be like the Angels (see Lk.20:36). Angels can travel trillions of miles in a second, thus assembling everyone on earth to be at a worship service in New Jerusalem can be in the blink of an eye! New Jerusalem is a City that is 1364 miles across and 1364 miles high, and, God's Throne will be there, so, again, no problem in this setting!
Sabbath in the Millennium
As for the Sabbath in the Millennium, the first thousand years after Jesus comes and takes His People to the, "Mansions" He has prepared for them in New Jerusalem, all of the Redeemed will live in New Jerusalem throughout that thousand years. Everyone will have Glorified bodies at that time, and, throughout Eternity. Thus, even if their Mansions are located at opposite ends of the City from God's Throne, they can be at His Throne in seconds. At the end of the thousand years, New Jerusalem descends to Earth (Rev.21:2), and after the Great White Throne Judgment, and after Jesus destroys the Planet with fire, He "Creates a New Heavens and a New Earth" (Rev.21:1; Isa.65:17 and 66:22; 2Pet.3:13). Thus Christ's Kingdom continues throughout and past the Millennium with the only change being that of a change of location. It goes without saying that during the time God's people live in Heaven in its present location, everyone will, "Worship before Him." As to whether or not this worshiping service will be a Sabbath gathering or a daily gathering, the Bible doesn't say. Also, if all of God's people are given some type of, "Garden of Eden" in the New Earth, a country home, and that garden home is located on the opposite side of the New Earth from God's Throne, again, such persons could be in God's assembly room in seconds. All of these things are quite simple, if we just let them be as the Bible says they'll be.
Sabbath Throughout Eternity - Backwards and Forwards
This Author believes there
has been a Sabbath, in some form, all the way back into eternity
past. In other words, as long as God has existed in the past, which is forever, and as long as He will exist in the future, which is again, forever, the Sabbath has existed and will exist. Thus the Sabbath
and God have always and will always exist together. Thus, we believe that the Sabbath exists at this present time and we believe God desires that we honor the Sabbath now. Serious Point to Ponder
We need to Ponder how it is that almost all of Christianity believes that God wants us to disregard His Sabbath at this time, even though He will set up the New Earth to observe the Sabbath throughout Eternity. If Sunday is presently God's preferred worship day because Jesus rose on that day, why would God not have us honor Sunday throughout Eternity? And, if the day Jesus arose is a Memorial Day/Worship Day for Christians now; why wouldn't God want it to be the same for Jews when they become Christians during the Tribulation? If Sunday is, "The Lord's Day," now, why would it not be the Lord's Day during the Tribulation, and the Millennium, and throughout Eternity? Will the importance of Christ's Resurrection somehow be diminished after Jesus comes to take His people to Heaven?
Very Serious Point to Ponder
What if Pre-Trib is correct about God wanting His people to observe the Sabbath during the Tribulation, and during the Millennium? The Bible is very clear that Pre-Trib is exactly correct about this. Scripture is also clear that the Sabbath will be observed throughout Eternity. What if God desires for us to observe the Sabbath now? What if, as the Bible says, Jesus the Creator God, "Blessed the Seventh Day, and sanctified it, because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made" (Gen.2:3)? What if Jesus taught Adam and Eve about the Sabbath, and, in spite of the fact that Sabbath observance is not specifically mention in the Bible till Moses, the Sabbath actually was observed by God's people from Creation till Moses? What if God has always set aside the Sabbath for His creatures? And what if there has never been a time here on earth that God demanded the Sabbath be ignored. What if the vast majority of Christian Ministers and Teachers are incorrect when telling us this? If all of this is true, Satan has done his homework very well. If Satan has deceived us into completely ignoring God's Commandment just as he did to Eve in the Garden, he has certainly proved himself to be the Master Deceiver. Of course we all know that Satan is a liar, and the father of all liars. Our Reader may be saying, "What About Grace?"
"Grace Frees Us"
If the Reader is a Sunday Observing Pastor, ask yourself a Question. What is all this, "Grace frees us from the Law," all about really? Let's be perfectly honest! Does, "Grace," free us from any Commandment other than the Sabbath? Has Satan invented this whole, "Grace Frees Us to Disobey God's Law," in order to make void God's Sabbath?
In conclusion, Pastor, let's consider the most serious of all Sabbath Questions. What must we do about the Sabbath NOW? If you are a Pastor, could ignoring this question be putting your Congregation at risk? Jesus promised: "Nevertheless, when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all Truth...and He will show you things to come" (Jn.16:13). Let's Pray earnestly that God will send His Holy Spirit to guide us in this manner!! We will be praying for you concerning this.
Thanks SO much, Dear Pastor, for your time and interest. Let's pray that we will be prepared for whatever God has in store for us in these Last Days!
Your Brother in Christ!!
Walter C. Martin Jr.
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Walter C. Martin Jr. |
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Let's pray that God will continue sending His Holy Spirit to guide as we prepare for Jesus to come. Thank You!
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr